Beware the ghost of operating systems past: In which our hero is visited by an old friend 12BoC A reminder that XP was both frugal and prone to falling over OSes05 Jan 2021 | 16
All I want for Christmas is cash: Welsh ATMs are unbeatable. Or unbootable. Something like that 12BOC Carpark sorrow as Windows failed to cough booty OSes31 Dec 2020 | 33
Super-antique-fragile-and-it's-XP-alidocious, even though the sight of it is something quite atrocious Bork!Bork!Bork! A most uneXPected visitor: Windows cling-on spotted by Reg reader Discovery crew member OSes05 Nov 2020 | 48
RIP: Microsoft finally pulls plug on last XP survivor... POSReady 2009 Welcome to Day One of the post NT 5.1 era OSes10 Apr 2019 | 150
Manchester plod still running 1,500 Windows XP machines Issue 'endemic' across public sector, shriek experts Security20 Sep 2017 | 95
Pair programming: The most extreme XP practice? Get ready to expose yourself... intellectually Devops12 Apr 2016 | 57
Microsoft nixes A-V updates for XP, exposes 180 MEEELLION luddites XP rump now carrion for hackers as malware removal tool pulled, A-V updates cease Security15 Jul 2015 | 67
Tech disties: What the HELL happened to our sales growth in Q1? No more XP refresh activity, iPad sales shrink, IBM servers dans le toilet Channel11 May 2015 | 2
Insight: Tech market's stabilising, time to start hiring again Q3 sales and profits up - but not enough to hit certain vendor rebate targets Channel31 Oct 2014 |
Windows XP refresh will DO NOTHING for lame PC market next year Gartner warns consumer will need to help out Channel14 Oct 2014 | 19
Shoppers shun slabs to give Gartner's Q3 PC numbers a rosy glow Death of XP and new form factors mean sales down just half a point Channel09 Oct 2014 | 2
Blighty will be BIGGER and BETTER than Germany, confirm beancounters In the tech sector, anyway... On-Prem28 Jul 2014 | 15
Experts gathered round corpse of PC market: It's ALIVE! Alive, we tell you Give it another blast with the XP defibrillator! Clear! >BZZZT< Channel22 Jul 2014 | 19
Victorian Police say Redmond's wrong! XP doesn't 'heighten risk' Still plans to ditch it come December Legal19 Jun 2014 |
Brit PC market out of intensive care thanks to XP, falling prices ...But sales still down by 600,000 boxes on Q1 2010 Channel05 Jun 2014 | 2
CERT Oz report: 76 orgs popped in targeted attacks What's whitelisting? We're still married to XP Security30 May 2014 | 2
Microsoft walks into a bar. China screams: 'Eww is that Windows 8? GET OUT OF HERE' That's what happens if you axe support for XP OSes20 May 2014 | 82
IRS boss on XP migration: 'Classic fix the airplane while you're flying it attempt' Quotw Plus: Condoleezza Rice at Dropbox 'maybe she can find ... weapons of mass destruction' Software17 Apr 2014 | 16
Biz PC market's looking healthy – but is it just an XPocalypse bounce? Yes / maybe / no (delete as required) Channel10 Apr 2014 | 2
The... Windows... XPocalypse... is... NIGH Sysadmin Blog DON'T PANIC... just listen to Trev OSes08 Apr 2014 | 78
Nothing's as SCARY as an overly aggressive SOFTWARE PIMP Something for the Weekend, Sir? Ha ha... you’ve been UPGRAYEDDED! OSes04 Apr 2014 | 76
This changes everything: Microsoft slips WinXP holdouts $100 to buy new Windows 8 PCs Buy 'em out, boys OSes22 Mar 2014 | 139
IT bods: Windows XP, we WON'T leave you. Migrate? Chuh! As if... Die-hard XP admins just won't let go, reveals survey Channel18 Dec 2013 | 114
Think unpatched Win XP hole's not a big deal? Hope you trust your local users Vulnerability used to breathe life into Adobe Reader exploit, Microsoft warns OSes28 Nov 2013 | 28
FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS: Microsoft faces prising XP from Big Biz Even Facebook is still running the 12-year-old OS, but the clock is ticking Software18 Oct 2013 | 184
Virtual sanity: How to get a grip on your home PCs Sysadmin blog Set up once, use again and again anywhere Systems04 Jan 2012 | 105
Microsoft ends mainstream XP, Office 2003 support Just click your heels together three times Software14 Apr 2009 | 16
MS packs yet more tweaks into 'near-ready' Windows 7 Release Candidate now with 63 changes (and counting) Channel13 Mar 2009 | 37
'Vista Capable' plaintiffs seek class action revival Let us sue together, please Channel28 Feb 2009 | 21
Woman sues over Vista to XP 'downgrade' charge Accused of abusing 'market power' OSes16 Feb 2009 | 62
US Navy SEALs buy twin-screen laptops, refuse Vista Blu-Ray drive essential military kit, seemingly Personal Tech10 Feb 2009 | 34
'Milestone' Microsoft service pack staples .NET's stomach Can its willpower hold? Channel11 Aug 2008 | 20
Microsoft gives XP an extra two years to live (kinda) For bargain basement PCs only Channel03 Apr 2008 | 77
Vista Business sales soar like leaping dachshund Say XP, XP won't you die for me Channel03 Oct 2007 | 61
Microsoft dispels rumors of stealth Windows updates It's all about updating the updater OSes14 Sep 2007 | 61