Apple's latest macOS Big Sur update stops cheapo USB-C hubs bricking your machine Still, it's probably best to stick with eye-wateringly expensive official peripherals OSes26 Feb 2021 | 41
macOS Big Sur muscles onto Amazon's cloudy Macs AWS flicks the switch on EFS too for those who fancy sharing cloudy volumes OSes24 Feb 2021 |
Apple offends devs by asking for Developer Transition Kits back early, then offering them a measly $200 off an M1 Mac They also have to use the credit before 31 May or lose it OSes04 Feb 2021 | 19
If you really must have Edge on your Apple M1 silicon, there's a compatible stable build for Microsoft's browser It works – but the more 'exciting' stuff is in the Dev and Canary Channels OSes03 Feb 2021 | 9
Blackberry Cylance's consumer antivirus product won't work with macOS Big Sur until end of January Only three months after latest OS version released OSes05 Jan 2021 | 12
CodeWeavers' CrossOver ran 32-bit Windows Intel binary on macOS on Arm CPU emulating x86 – and nobody died Trying to get that one weird app working on new Mac silicon? OSes19 Nov 2020 | 74
If you suddenly can't print to your HP Printer from your Mac, you're not alone: Code security cert snafu blamed Updated Driver software snubbed by macOS 10.15, 10.14, Amazon Music, too OSes23 Oct 2020 | 68
Apple's T2 custom secure boot chip is not only insecure, it cannot be fixed without replacing the silicon Which means your new Mac is vulnerable to 'evil maid' attacks, if that's something you worry about OSes08 Oct 2020 | 67
Microsoft's OS joins macOS and Linux at the Flutter party, but guess which one performs best? Hint: It's not Windows Google's cross-platform development tool targets the Windows desktop with support now in alpha OSes23 Sep 2020 | 14
Who cares what Apple's about to announce? It owes us a macOS x86 virtual appliance for non-Mac computers Comment Shift to Arm processors will maroon some users – and Hackintoshes are problematic OSes15 Sep 2020 | 134
Feds seize 'largest ever' haul of crypto-dosh from terrorists – including coins from 'fake' pandemic mask web store In brief Plus: Someone's gunning for Mac developers OSes17 Aug 2020 | 10
This week of never-ending security updates continue. Now Apple emits dozens of fixes for iOS, macOS, etc Make sure your iThing installs these patches OSes16 Jul 2020 | 19
One year ago, Apple promised breakthrough features to help iPhone, iPad, Mac owners with disabilities. It failed them WWDC Sure, you can make calls, for instance, but you can't end them OSes25 Jun 2020 | 35
Chime after chime: Apple restores iconic Mac boot sound removed in 2016 Triumphant F#-major to return with upcoming macOS Big Sur OSes24 Jun 2020 | 14
Here's a headline we never thought we'd write 20 years ago: Microsoft readies antivirus for Linux, Android Redmond knows a thing or two about tackling malware – amirite, Windows fans?! OSes23 Jun 2020 | 38
Email innovator Hey extends an olive branch in standoff with Apple, tweaks code to make the iGiant appier We did what we think you want, now let it through OSes22 Jun 2020 | 13
VMware and Office for Mac need patching, Microsoft can scan your firmware, and Anonymous takes credit for Atlanta police hacks Roundup Plus: Nigeria-based entrepreneur accused of fraud, and more OSes22 Jun 2020 | 7
MacOS on Arm talk intensifies: Just weeks from now, Apple to serve up quarantini with Kalamata golive, reportedly 'People familiar' have been running their mouths, it seems OSes09 Jun 2020 | 73
You, Apple Mac fan. Put down the homemade oat-milk latte, you need to patch a load of security bugs, too Patch Thursday is for you, Patch Tuesday is for everyone else OSes28 May 2020 | 6
Apple promises third, no, fourth, er, fifth time's a charm when it comes to macOS Catalina: 10.15.5 now out Just don't expect a full battery OSes27 May 2020 | 38
I know what you leased last summer: Asset database leak hits Capita, Rolls-Royce, Tesco (every little helps, eh?) Roundup Plus: Pop's Lady Gaga popped in hack, and more OSes18 May 2020 |
Incredible how you can steal data via Thunderbolt once you've taken the PC apart, attached a flash programmer, rewritten the firmware... Full mitigation is buy a newer computer – or don't use suspend-to-RAM OSes11 May 2020 | 34
Flaw hunter bags $75,000 off Apple after duping Safari into spying through iPhone, Mac cameras without permission Bug that let malicious site snoop on users squashed, so make sure you're on the most recent version OSes07 Apr 2020 | 2
Apple's latest macOS Catalina update mysteriously borks SSH for some unlucky fans. What could be the cause? Updated Connecting to a port greater than 8192 using a hostname now stalls, possibly OSes01 Apr 2020 | 17
Stuck inside with nothing to do? Apple fires out security fixes for iOS, macOS, wrist-puters... and something weird called iTunes for Windows Dozens of bugs swatted in latest Cupertino updates OSes25 Mar 2020 | 14
No-no-no-notarised: Apple gives Microsoft's Visual Studio Code the all-clear for Mac devs Don't cry for me, Catalina! Don't scream when firing up the open-source editor ♬ OSes10 Mar 2020 | 5
B-but it doesn't get viruses! Not so, Apple fanbois: Mac malware is growing faster than nasties going for Windows So says Malwarebytes, anyway OSes11 Feb 2020 | 31
Flaws punched holes in Azure cloud, Apple patches pretty much everything, Eurocops cuff Maltese hackers, etc Roundup Also, Wawa data surfaces on dark markets after December's hack OSes03 Feb 2020 | 9
The Curse of macOS Catalina strikes again as AccountEdge stays 32-bit Apple: 'The apps you use every day.' Except that one. And that one. And those are right out OSes16 Jan 2020 | 168
In a desperate bid to stay relevant in 2020's geopolitical upheaval, N. Korea upgrades its Apple Jeus macOS malware Nork cash grab nasty gets stealthier OSes08 Jan 2020 | 13
FUSE for macOS: Why a popular open source library became closed source and commercially licensed Interview Maintainer: 'Most companies were reluctant to support the project their product depends on because it is available for free' OSes16 Dec 2019 | 117
Tricky VPN-busting bug lurks in iOS, Android, Linux distros, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, say university eggheads OpenVPN, WireGuard, IKEv2/IPSec also vulnerable to tampering flaw, we're told OSes06 Dec 2019 | 27
Lazarus group goes back to the Apple orchard with new macOS trojan In-memory malware a first for suspected Nork hacking crew OSes05 Dec 2019 | 10
PSA: Turning off silent macros in Office for Mac leaves users wide open to silent macro attacks Microsoft seems a bit hazy on what 'disable' actually means OSes05 Nov 2019 | 33
You'e yping i wong: macOS Catalina stops Twitter desktop app from accepting B, L, M, R, and T in passwords Oher sofwae ikey hi y egession in uggy opeaing syse OSes30 Oct 2019 | 79
While Apple fanbois rage at Catalina, iGiant quietly drops iOS and macOS security patches RCEs and all sorts of other vulns plugged, so get installing OSes30 Oct 2019 | 13
Not LibreOffice too? Beloved open-source suite latest to fall victim to the curse of Catalina Move to bin? Or cancel? There are more options on this version of macOS, but it's still a PITA OSes23 Oct 2019 | 194
How bad is Catalina? It's almost Apple Maps bad: MacOS 10.15 pushes Cupertino's low bar for code quality lower still Comment Devs lament 'trash fire' 'Windows Vista-like' release OSes11 Oct 2019 | 163
MacOS wakes to a bright Catalina sunrise – and broken Adobe apps Still, it could be worse, you could be one of cloud slinger's Venezuelan customers OSes08 Oct 2019 | 76
MacOS 'Catalina' 10.15 comes packed with exclusive security fixes – gee, thanks, Apple New OS squashes bugs, older versions may have to wait OSes07 Oct 2019 | 22
Jamf emits mystery security fix for Pro macOS, iOS wrangler, keeps admins in dark by censoring chatter iAdmins steaming over handling of 'critical' patch rollout OSes01 Oct 2019 | 7
Got a pre-A12 iPhone? Love jailbreaks? Happy Friday! 'Unpatchable tethered Boot ROM exploit' released Coder claims iThings older than two years can be unlocked from Apple's clutches OSes27 Sep 2019 | 40
macOS? More like mac-woe-ess: Google Chrome slip-up trips up SIP-less Apple Macs Fresh code gives file systems a /var-sectomy – see inside for a manual fix OSes25 Sep 2019 | 68
Hands up who likes gaming! Hands up who likes gaming on Macs! Er, OK. Well, Parallels has an update for you DirectX 11 and Catalina support will please, the price may not OSes13 Aug 2019 | 11
It's 2019 and you can still pwn an iPhone with a website: Apple patches up iOS, Mac bugs in July security hole dump 20 WebKit flaws among latest batch of bug fixes OSes23 Jul 2019 | 13
Stop using that MacBook Pro RIGHT NOW, says Uncle Sam: Loyalists suffer burns, smoke inhalation and worse – those crappy keyboards Getting dodgy batteries fixed can take up to THREE weeks OSes28 Jun 2019 | 169
Malware spotted doing unspeakable, filthy things to infected Macs – injecting Bing results into Google searches Or so claim these security bods after clocking proxy-installing fake Flash plugin OSes04 Jun 2019 | 24
Apple kills iTunes, preps pricey Mac Pro, gives iPad its own OS – plus: That $999 monitor stand We sat through 150 minutes of WWDC keynote so you didn't have to suffer OSes03 Jun 2019 | 251
Legacy app whitelist can be abused to bypass latest macOS security defenses, expert warns Three words to ruin an Apple engineer's day: 'Patrick Wardle disclosure' OSes03 Jun 2019 | 9
Don't get the pitchforks yet, Apple devs: macOS third-party application clampdown probably not as bad as rumored Analysis The v10.15 will bring tighter security, the escape hatch should remain open for now OSes20 Mar 2019 | 46
Level up Mac security, and say game over to malware? System alerts plus Apple game engine equals antivirus package RSA Wise Wardle waves wand, whacks wily worms which work without Windows OSes06 Mar 2019 | 13
Bad news: Google drops macOS zero-day after Apple misses bug deadline. Good news: It's fiddly to exploit Step one: Run malware on your victim's machine. Step two: Mount some storage... OSes05 Mar 2019 | 20
At least Sony offered a t-shirt, says macOS flaw finder: Bug bounties now for Macs if you want this 0-day, Apple Vid Cupertino's tight-wads called out by fella who found password, private key leak OSes07 Feb 2019 | 41
A picture tells a 1,000 words. Pixels pwn up to 5 million nerds: Crims use steganography to stash bad code in ads Apple fans lured into installing malware via crafty JavaScript OSes24 Jan 2019 | 42
Plug in your iPhone, iPad, iPod, fire up the App Store: You have new Apple patches to install Open the door, get on the floor – not so fast if you've an iPhone 4 OSes23 Jan 2019 | 20
It's December 2018, and a rogue application can still tell your Apple Mac: I'm your El Capitan now iOS, macOS, tvOS, Safari, and anyone for some reason using iTunes on Windows – get patching OSes06 Dec 2018 | 11
Did you hear? There's a critical security hole that lets web pages hijack computers. Of course it's Adobe Flash's fault The internet's screen door strikes again – so get patching OSes20 Nov 2018 | 42
Macs to Linux fans: Stop right there, Penguinista scum, that's not macOS. Go on, git outta here In the market for a MacBook Air, eh Linus? OSes06 Nov 2018 | 210
Apple emits its much-anticipated updates to Mac, AppleTV, and iOS Security updates. What did you think we were referring to? OSes30 Oct 2018 | 11
Mac users burned after Nuance drops Dragon speech to text software Dictation tool was more than just another app for those with disabilities OSes30 Oct 2018 | 82
The secret history of Apple's Stacks Shame they changed the name... Piles was more fun OSes05 Oct 2018 | 29
Apple macOS Mojave: There's goth mode but developers will have to wait for the juicy stuff Review Oh, and we have Piles, I mean Stacks OSes04 Oct 2018 | 66