This article is more than 1 year old
Dr Tom and the kick-ass Power Box
Also, thermal paste taste test
HWRoundup How to...with Dr Tom. Want a machine that kicks ass, or if you are in the UK, arse, but can't find two coppers to run together? Well, Dr Tom posted this guide to building your own "PowerBox" and fear no high-end competition. Really.
The boys at Hexus seem to have gone completely mad, but that is possibly because they've run a thermal paste taste test. God knows whether they actually tasted any or not, (they claim not) but if you use thermal paste you might find this comparison of Arctic Silver I and Arctic Silver II, enlightening. Or you might not. Either way, the review is
The newly stirred waters of the video card market can be traced back to ATI and the arrival of the Radeon VE 32MB card. Anand and friends take a look at how the ripples are spreading with
thisreview of the culprit.
Power supply units could never be accused of being glamorous, but where would we be without them? OC Workbench has given it some thought while taking a look at the Enermax PSU EG351P-V. Its printed the claims made by the company and checked how it lived up to expectations. Have a look
When someone describes a heatsink to you as "pretty cool" there are two possible responses. One, smack them for the awful joke, or two read the review to find out what prompted them to make such a terrible joke. Then smack them. We recommend option two, but without the violence. Click
hereto read Frosty's review of the Neng Tyi K612 Cu/Al heatsink. ®
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