This article is more than 1 year old
To hell with mobos, overclockers and chips
We broaden our horizons
HWRoundup Arencha all just bored to tears with reading about motherboards, cooling fans, overclocked CPUs and what have you? After all, this is the hardware roundup page and there's more to HW than just stinking chips and mobos, isn't that right?
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So, let's look today at a few other resources out there on the wibbly wobbly. First of all, tootle along to Imaging Resource which seems to take an in depth look at digital cameras.
Digital cameras can be pricey little items and involve more than just raw technology, so if you're thinking of spending your hard earned $$$ or yen, this may be the place to point your browser. There are some alternatives to this site - take a look at Digital Camera Resource and DP Review, for example.
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Once you've bought yourself a digi-camera, you're going to want to print it out, right? We've got ourselves an Epson Stylus here at home and it's funky but the consumables are almost more than the cost of the hardware. At this page, there's a guide to the different kind of printers and what you can expect for your dosh. A lot of the printer sites seem to be run by the vendors -- if you run an independent one, let us know and we'll take a look at it.
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OK, you've got your digicamera and your colour printer, but your hard drives getting clogged with all of those pictures of your pet tiger and the five hundred bullfrogs croaking in your pond, right? Well, then, try StorageReview to see what you can add in the way of extra capacity.
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Need a scanner? Have a look at Digital Duck. What a fantastic name.
Chaim la chaim! ®
Want to get back on the overclocking and mobo bandwagon again? Fear not, and goto Mike's Hardware Pages (just joking, OK? That one's taken) for the safety of familiar territory...