Next week will see the launch of a British text-based porn Web site for women. promises sex stories, fantasies, news, tips and online shopping. But there will be no dirty pics on show.
"The web is full of porn but there's very little out there for the discerning woman," an early version of the site states.
"Forget sites with endless pop-up windows that charge outrageous sums of money. Forget endless pictures of women with unfeasibly large breasts. Welcome to Cliterati. The site for women, by women, which dares to admit that women like sex too!"
Hurray! But why no pictures of men?
Emily Dubberley, a Cliterati representative, explained:
"It's legally tricky. Showing a hard cock is still a bit tricky and soft ones aren't that appealing."
Quite right. So how will the site entertain women?
"I studied women's sexual fantasies and attitudes to porn for my dissertation and that, plus loads of other research, suggests women are far more turned on by stories than pictures."
Those interested in checking out in its early stages, which should include blokes fumbling for tips on how to impress the ladies, should click here. ®
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