This article is more than 1 year old
Spread the broadband gospel
And lo, it will come to pass
TMA Britain needs "broadband evangelists" to spread the gospel according to hi-speed Internet access.
Speaking at TMA 2001, Grant Neville, director of broadband systems at Nokia Networks, said the market needs stimulating and that Brits just aren't as vocal or as passionate as other nations about broadband.
"There is not enough excitement about broadband in the UK compared to other countries," he said. "There are not enough broadband evangelists to let others know how it transforms your online experience."
And it appears that going down the pub and telling your mates about the benefits of broadband is just one of the many ways that word could be spread.
Of course, listening to some nutter banging on about broadband when you're trying to have a quiet beer and watch the footie might not be the best way to drum up support but there you go. ®
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