This article is more than 1 year old
NTL tunes in to video-on-demand
Roll-out begins next year
NTL has signalled its intention to begin offering video-on-demand (VoD) services from next year. Details are still sketchy but a spokeswoman confirmed that a region-by-region roll-out would begin in Q1 2005. The cableco reports that more than half of its customers, when asked, say they want VoD.
Ten days ago BT confirmed it was trialling TV-cum-video-on-demand over broadband among some of its employees. The UK's dominant fixed line telco is hooking up with Freeview, the UK's digital TV service which provides up to 30 free digital TV channels and more than 20 digital radio station. The "BT Freeview Plus" service will enable subscribers to watch these channels and to pay for video-on-demand content by using their broadband connection.
In July, Wanadoo unveiled a new box of tricks which it says will eventually become the hub for a whole range of digital entertainment services for the home. Wanadoo's LiveBox will supply Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), TV on demand and online gaming.
In May, Video Networks Ltd (VNL) switched on its new broadband and digital TV service in London. It has brought forward plans to expand its broadband TV service following recent falls in LLU costs. ®
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