It's fair to say that the battle-hardened hacks at El Reg are not easily shocked or offended. Nevertheless, we feel that we must express our dismay at a Vodfone Live! advert which appeared in some of today's UK national papers.
On the surface, it seems plausible enough - a free video messaging phone with all the usual gratis bits and bobs. However, it's not entirely clear what message Vodafone was intending to convey with the rather startling image accompanying the ad. By the shocked look on the poor girl's face, she has inadvertently picked an inopportune moment to wander onto the set of some hideous Swedish smut production, and has paid the price.
If Voda was intending to create a bit of pre-Xmas mobile excitement with the snap, then we reckon it's missed a trick. After all, the full strapline should clearly read: "Free video messaging phone: because Santa comes just once a year". ®
A very happy Xmas indeed to Sean McGinty and all those other readers who alerted us to this bit of Yuletide fun.
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