This article is more than 1 year old
Doctor Who leak culprit walks plank
Canadian exterminated
The source of the Doctor Who leak which saw the first episode of the new series splashed across the web has been sacked, the BBC reports.
It's not, however, a Beeb insider, but rather someone working for "third-party company in Canada". BBC international production partner, the Canadian Broadcasting Company, probed the outrage and tracked down the culprit who had access to a preview copy of Rose. The individual responsible was duly sacked.
BBC Worldwide said in a statement: "After a thorough investigation by BBC Worldwide's Canadian broadcast partner, the source of the leak of episode one of the new Doctor Who series has been traced to a third party company in Canada which had an early preview copy for legitimate purposes. The individual responsible for the leak has had their employment terminated by that company as a result.
"BBC Worldwide is considering further legal remedies and takes extremely seriously any unlawful copying or misuse of its copyright material."
The first episode of Doctor Who with Christopher Eccleston as the eponymous doc goes out on BBC 1 on Saturday at 7pm. ®
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