This article is more than 1 year old

AllofMP3 suffers mysterious downtime


Controversial Russian music site has suffered more unexplained downtime.

Back in May the site all but disappeared for three days, leading to fears it had been crushed by Russian authorities stung into action by the US. A group of US senators asked George Bush to block Russian entry to the World Trade Organisation unless he took a firmer line on intellectual property.

AllofMP3 has been down for just under 11 hours today. It was down for three hours and 22 minutes yesterday. So far this month, it's been out of action for a total of one day, seven hours and 29 minutes.

Its sister site has suffered the same outage time.

Peter Alguacil, from monitoring company Ipwalk, said: "It's weird to have so much downtime during the day - last time it happened as they launched the new service. Maybe all the publicity has brought them a lot of visitors."

More details on the downtime are available from Ipwalk here and here.

The BPI has threatened to sue the site in the UK courts - although what impact this would have on a Russian company is unclear.

For its part, AllofMP3 insists it is entirely legal within Russian law and makes regular royalty payments. ®

Bootnote: Last time the Reg wrote a story about the site's absence from the world wide web, it reappeared within minutes...

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