This article is more than 1 year old
Google not normal for Norfolk
Search engine too taxing for web-footed web surfers
Good news for Microsoft's Bing today - Google does not have the whole search market sewn up and nor is it easy to use. At least one English county is apparently unable to fathom its mysteries.
Somewhere in Norfolk an extremely dull argument is raging over Liz Truss - a potential Tory candidate for a safe seat - and whether she should, or should not, have informed the constituency party that she kissed a man who was not her husband five years ago. Cameron's Cutie, as she has been labelled, is still arguing with party officials to keep her candidacy.
At least part of the row centres on how well known this apparent affair was.
But local party member John Mortimer had no truck with this. He said: "They make out we're stupid, saying details of her affair were on Google, but no one in Norfolk knows how to use Google," according to the The Daily Mail. No one? In the whole county?
Sounds like a big job for the internet czar to us.
"Normal for Norfolk" - abbreviated to NFN, was used on doctors' notes to explain the depth of the stupidity of some of their patients, blamed by some on Norfolk's sheltered gene pool.
Norfolk County Council recently launched a brave new campaign to reclaim the phrase. It launched a website with "World Class: Normal for Norfolk" as a marketing slogan. You can find it using Google, you over-educated, metropolitan ponces... ®