This article is more than 1 year old
Nintendo Switch orders delayed: Dun dun dun... dundundun dundundun dadada!
Thumb-twitchers will just have to go for a walk this weekend. Or read a book
Gamers desperate to play on their new Nintendo Switches this weekend may have to wait a bit longer, with many reporting their preorders have been delayed.
The device was due to be shipped today (March 3) priced at $299.99, £279.99 and ¥29,980.
However, Twitter and internet forums are replete with disappointed thumb-twitchers complaining they will not be able to experience the much-anticipated new Zelda tomorrow after a week at the grindstone.
One reader got in touch to report they ordered the device one-month ago, with an order delivery notice informing him it will not arrive until five days after release date.
"I noticed earlier tonight that I got an email saying my system and pro controller were delayed to a delivery date of Monday," said one customer in a forum. 'They were both listed as "shipped awaiting ups pickup" since noon. Naturally, I proceeded to lose my mind."
For those who have been living under a rock, the Switch is a hybrid console – for use as both a portable unit or to be plugged into your TV.
At the core is a tablet-like device featuring two Joy-Con grip controllers with switches and shoulder buttons on either end for game play and for use on the go.
The Register has asked Nintendo for a comment. ®