Getting documents all too easy for Snowden NSA seems to have had rubbish security behind the firewall Security10 Feb 2014 | 51
Snowden documents show British digital spies use viruses and 'honey traps' JTRIG active intelligence unit boasts of bugging and burgling Security07 Feb 2014 | 121
Snowden saga scares Oracle away from spy-flick sponsorship Company said to have backed out of Jack Ryan placements Legal07 Feb 2014 | 14
Canadian spookhaus says airport Wi-Fi slurp didn't invade privacy 'Nothing to see here, or it didn't happen, or if it did it was ok' Security04 Feb 2014 | 30
NSA, GCHQ, accused of hacking Belgian smartcard crypto guru Spear phishing through LinkedIn did for Professor Jean-Jacques Quisquater Security03 Feb 2014 | 44
Snowden: Canadian spooks used free airport WiFi to track travellers Report says sniffing was probably illegal as local Spookhaus defends actions Security31 Jan 2014 | 74
Fancy a little kinky sex? GCHQ+NSA will know - thanks to Angry Birds Evil spooks slurped everything about your life from app's phone-home data Security27 Jan 2014 | 102
Snowden speaks: NSA spies create 'databases of ruin' on innocent folks 'Not all spying is bad' but bulk collection has to go, says whistleblower in web chat Security24 Jan 2014 | 100
Snowden docs: NSA building encryption-cracking quantum computer Is anyone honestly surprised spy guys want to 'own the net?' Security03 Jan 2014 | 91
Snowden: 'I am still working for the NSA ... to improve it' 'Mission accomplished', leaker tells Washington Post Security24 Dec 2013 | 45
RSA comes out swinging at claims it took NSA's $10m to backdoor crypto In summary: Yes, the biz worked with spies. But it knew about a gaping hole? No, siree! Security23 Dec 2013 | 87
Soghoian & Greenwald tell EU bigwigs: Fight state snooping on mobe networks NOW Never mind roaming fees, what about data security? Security19 Dec 2013 | 4
United Nations signs off on 'right to privacy in the digital age' Calls upon world to respect privacy and 'context' of communications Legal19 Dec 2013 | 20
Snowden: I'll swap you my anti-NSA knowhow for asylum ... Brazil says: Não Whistleblower begs for protection in exchange for advice, says newspaper Legal17 Dec 2013 | 40
NSA alleges 'BIOS plot to destroy PCs' Un-named PC maker sought help to defeat un-named nation's PC-bricking plan Security16 Dec 2013 | 169
Snowden latest: NSA stalks the human race using Google, ad cookies Every single day, every word you say, every game you play, they'll be watching you Security12 Dec 2013 | 77
Microsoft, HURTING after NSA backdooring, vows to now harden its pipe Snooping on private messages 'breach of the 4th Amendment' Security27 Nov 2013 | 75
GCHQ tracks diplomats' hotel bookings to plant bugs, say leaked docs And Australia spied on Indonesian prez, in more spies-do-spying guff outrages Security18 Nov 2013 | 38
I want NSA chief's head on a plate for Merkelgate, storms Senator McCain And raging Republican reckons 'pigs will fly' if Snowden hasn't sold out to the Russians Legal11 Nov 2013 | 87
GCHQ hijacked LinkedIn profiles to hack Belgian telecoms network – report Brit spies infected computers with 'Quantum Insert' malware Security11 Nov 2013 | 51
Anonymous threatens cyberwar with Anonymous And it's all because of climate change and Edward Snowden Security09 Nov 2013 | 84
Snowden: Hey fellow NSA worker, mind if I copy your PASSWORD? Whistleblower talked colleagues into handing him their login credentials Security08 Nov 2013 | 98
The Schmidt hits the Man: NSA spying on Google servers? 'OUTRAGEOUS!' Collecting info on everyone ... isn't that the advertising giant's job? Security04 Nov 2013 | 43
Snowden: Oh, PLEASE let me come to Germany and help Merkel with her phone It's bloody freezing here on this Siberian helldesk Security01 Nov 2013 | 50
From Russia with Code: Edward Snowden gets job on website helldesk Bypasses frying pan, leaps straight into fire with legs akimbo Security31 Oct 2013 | 23
NSA, UK hacked Yahoo! and Google data center interconnects – report Project MUSCULAR taps millions of YOUR records a month Legal31 Oct 2013 | 73
Furious French choke on chardonnay over NSA's phone spying in France Zut alors! Monsieur l'ambassadeur américain convoqué réunion sans café Legal21 Oct 2013 | 57
Snowden: 'I have data on EVERY NSA operation against China' New York Times interview sure to interest Beijing Security18 Oct 2013 | 106
Snowden's pal Greenwald QUITS Guardian to launch hush-hush news rival US-based website touted as 'general media outlet' Legal15 Oct 2013 | 15
Snowden's email provider Lavabit flows again to let users retrieve data Users will have 72 hours to save their stuff and the NSA knows when it will happen Security15 Oct 2013 | 10
Luxembourgeois data protection watchdog probes Microsoft in Skype PRISM complaint "Happy to answer questions" says Redmond mouthpiece Legal14 Oct 2013 | 16
NSA using Firefox flaw to snoop on Tor users Good news/bad news in latest Snowden leak Security04 Oct 2013 | 73
Snowden's email provider gave crypto keys to FBI – on paper printouts Lavabit founder says snoops demanded total access Security03 Oct 2013 | 159
'The NSA set me up,' ex-con Qwest exec claims Former CEO says refusal to help spies cost him his freedom Legal01 Oct 2013 | 40
NSA's Project Marina stores EVERYONE'S metadata for A YEAR Latest Snowden leak shows government economical with the truth Legal30 Sep 2013 | 54
NSA in new SHOCK 'can see public data' SCANDAL! What you say on Twitter doesn't stay on Twitter Security30 Sep 2013 | 83
Latest Snowden reveal: It was GCHQ that hacked Belgian telco giant Cheltenham-in-the-middle attack against roaming smartphone convos Security20 Sep 2013 | 106
French ministers told to use only secure comms post-PRISM Reminder of best practice issued after Snowden's revelations Legal13 Sep 2013 | 32
Torvalds shoots down call to yank 'backdoored' Intel RdRand in Linux crypto 'We actually know what we are doing. You don't' says kernel boss OSes10 Sep 2013 | 134
Google scrambles to block backdoors Plans to add crypto to data centre traffic Security10 Sep 2013 | 38
US intelligence: Snowden's latest leaks 'road map' for adversaries 'We're only doing our job,' tumbls spy agency Legal06 Sep 2013 | 131
Now we know why UK spooks simply shrugged at SSL encryption Analysis HTTPS thwarting spies, web filters? They already had ways of breaking the code Legal06 Sep 2013 | 94
NSA: NOBODY could stop Snowden – he was A SYSADMIN Virtually unfettered access blew sensitive docs wide open Security30 Aug 2013 | 99
Tor usage up by more than 100% in August Secure network usage spikes worldwide, reasons unknown Security29 Aug 2013 | 60
Snowden is great news for hybrid cloud says VMware VMworld 2013 Customers don't want no steeenking NSA sniffing their data Channel27 Aug 2013 | 11
Guardian teams up with New York Times for future Snowden GCHQ coverage But 'I never spoke to The Independent,' Snowden says Legal23 Aug 2013 | 81
Silicon Valley slurped millions of NSA cash for PRISM participation Court documents show first details of your tax dollars at work Legal23 Aug 2013 | 31
Report: Secret British spy base in Middle East taps region's internet 'Security services hook tentacles into underseas fibre optic cables' Security23 Aug 2013 | 116
Snowden journo's partner wins partial injunction on seized data Government can't 'inspect, copy or share' – except to protect 'national security' Legal22 Aug 2013 | 70
Mystery of Guardian mobos and graphics cards which 'held Snowden files' Non-volatile storage apparently volatilised in angle-grinder orgy Personal Tech21 Aug 2013 | 166
Brazilians tear strip off NSA in wake of Snowden, mull anti-US-spook law South Americans demand web privacy as PRISM journalist's Brazilian boyfriend held Legal21 Aug 2013 | 92
Intel bakes super-snooper to stop industrial espionage Hadoop-based tool sniffs 4bn network events a day, may end up as McAfee product Security21 Aug 2013 | 13
Chinese firm applies for 'Edward Snowden' trademark 'Top secret' e-car tech puts whistleblower on wheels Bootnotes21 Aug 2013 | 13
Snowden journalist's partner gave Brit spooks passwords to seized files Miranda threatened with jail after being seized on apparent courier mission Security20 Aug 2013 | 241
Getting worried, Assange? WikiLeaks spaffs out 'insurance' info Only to be used in case of emergency arrest, natch Legal19 Aug 2013 | 78
Snowden's email provider may face court rap after closing service 'Violation of court order' could lead to contempt charges – report Legal19 Aug 2013 | 61
NSA to world+dog: We're only watching 1.6% of internet, honest Trust us: We're hardly paying attention to the stuff we do collect Legal12 Aug 2013 | 75
NSA gets burned by a sysadmin, decides to burn 90% of its sysadmins Need to end planet-wide-snooping leaks? That'll do the trick, thinks US spymaster Legal09 Aug 2013 | 142
Silent Circle shutters email service Follows Lavabit in closing down service it can't guarantee to be secure Security09 Aug 2013 | 62
Snowden's secure email provider Lavabit shuts down under gag order Won't be 'complicit in crimes against the American people' Systems08 Aug 2013 | 133
Obama cancels meeting Putin in Russia, says Snowden 'a factor' But he's still just a hacker, right Mr. President? Legal07 Aug 2013 | 99
Psst. Want to stop the data drip of leaky clouds but don't know how? Look here Storagebod Sync'n'share can be all wet. Here's some tools to help stem the flood Storage05 Aug 2013 | 4