NASA admits hiding 'really good' news from Martian soil Rechecking Curiosity data before historic announcement Science21 Nov 2012 | 89
First FIRE TORNADO documented in Australia 500 homes destroyed by fire so powerful it spawned intense storms Science21 Nov 2012 | 22
Mozilla's Social add-on MERGES Facebook with Firefox Be afraid. Be very afraid Software21 Nov 2012 | 27
Epic e-tail fail down under Click Frenzy falls flat, with bad news for Magento and UltraServe On-Prem21 Nov 2012 | 13
BT: Olympics cyber attackers were amateurs No match for exhaustive planning and over-provisioning Security21 Nov 2012 | 13
Web users: We've got NO IDEA if we're stealing content or not Intellectual property? That's like military intelligence Legal21 Nov 2012 | 35
Sacre Bleu! US fingered for Flame attack on Élysée Palace Reports from France say May hit covered up by Sarkozy team Security21 Nov 2012 | 20
Evildoers can now turn all sites on a Linux server into silent hell-pits Admins won't even know they're poisoning their visitors OSes21 Nov 2012 | 71
Sharp chopper falls on early-retire plan as employees flee in droves We wanted to lose some people, but not that many On-Prem21 Nov 2012 | 6
UN: APAC is world's most digitally divided region Urges massive investment in land and under-sea fibre Legal21 Nov 2012 |
LAST EVER British typewriter manufactured in Wales Oldtime machine was like a printer with a QWERTY keyboard Personal Tech21 Nov 2012 | 34
YARR! Library Wi-Fi PIRATES can't be touched by Queen's men! Who would win in a fight between librarians and pirates? Legal21 Nov 2012 | 30
Nearly 90% of SAP customers find its cloud pricing confusing Can't you make this fog more transparent, plead users Channel21 Nov 2012 | 10
Pocket Wi-Fi hotspots paralyse Chinese metro lines Using free band to run trains oddly didn't turn out well Networks21 Nov 2012 | 47
ScaleIO virtual SAN firms begins to surface, mostly still concealed Reg binoculars scan protruding periscope, antennae Storage21 Nov 2012 | 1
Want to run your own Apple shop? Start with £70k of German chairs Cupertino bottom inspectors' checklist for Premium chums Personal Tech21 Nov 2012 | 34
Prince William 'day with my chopper' pics reveal more than intended Palace whoopsie leads to embarrassing exposures Security21 Nov 2012 | 41
PGP Zimmermann teams with Navy SEALs, SAS techies in London Offers 'Silent Phone' crypto to biz, aid workers Security21 Nov 2012 | 41
Beeb rights swapper swaps shop to swap-shop for red-tops Paytard portal plan gets granular Legal21 Nov 2012 | 3
Intel pays Creative $50m for ZiiLabs GPU licence, people Small change for one firm, lifeblood for the other Personal Tech21 Nov 2012 | 2
Total APPLE DESKTOP ABSENCE set to last past XMAS - sources 'I can't cry, I'm all cried out,' mourns supplier Personal Tech21 Nov 2012 | 21
US federal transport crash investigators ditch BlackBerry for iPhones Hm, this train wreck seems to involve RIM in some way Legal21 Nov 2012 | 13
Just what you needed: A cell phone with a remote control. No, really Got an amazingly huge coat with pockets too far away? Networks21 Nov 2012 | 27
Apple: Sure, here's the HTC patent pact. WITH numbers blanked out Oh Samsung, talking about money is SO crass Legal21 Nov 2012 | 34
NASA SECRET DISCOVERY ON MARS: Meteor offers possible clue Space rock was flung to Earth after asteroid strike Science21 Nov 2012 | 37
Why do Smart TV UIs suck? Feature Inconsistent, inconvenient and in my *!#!!?* telly Personal Tech21 Nov 2012 | 143
Netscape founder pays off MASSIVE tax bill with Facebook shares Marc Andreessen offloads $54.1m worth of stock On-Prem21 Nov 2012 | 8
Outrage over AT&T iPad data slurp hacker conviction Greyhats lifted names and emails without busting security Security21 Nov 2012 | 10
DEKATRON reborn: Full details on World's Oldest Digital Computer Feature OK iPad kids, let's see how you do on paper tape On-Prem21 Nov 2012 | 28
Sam Sung found in Apple Store SHOCKER Amusingly named fruitchomp bloke. Genius Bootnotes21 Nov 2012 | 38
'There may come a day when Hobbits promote slot machines ...' But it is not THIS day, insist spawn of Tolkien Legal21 Nov 2012 | 36
BLAZING HEAVENLY gas BRIDGE filament links galactic clusters Bifröst, the burning on-ramp to Valhalla, seen at last Science21 Nov 2012 | 16
Speaking in Tech: HP skunks Autonomy - Really, Meg... really? Podcast Plus: Ellison Rage Twinkies, Farley on gorillas On-Prem21 Nov 2012 | 1
Nokia HERE iOS maps app review Can the Finnish phone firm solve Apple's navigation woes? Personal Tech21 Nov 2012 | 36
'Rare for tech not to be involved in child abuse cases' 'Hysterical' report claims huge amounts of molestation Legal21 Nov 2012 | 50
Skype 3.0 lands on Android tabs, says all your bass are belong to it And heeyy, take a look at this cool Microsoft login ... Networks21 Nov 2012 | 29
HP: Autonomy had us believing in a false IDOL 'Negative margin, low-end, little or no software' On-Prem21 Nov 2012 | 36
Ex-Nokians fish MeeGo out of bin, launch Sailfish OS This is perfectly edible, man, what's wrong with you? Software21 Nov 2012 | 33
Dish: With these restrictions, FCC, you are totally crippling us H Block? Chopping block more like, snivels wouldbe cellco Legal21 Nov 2012 | 15
The Man Who Stole Greece: Cuffed chap had data on most of country Seemed to be doing better than the tax authorities Security21 Nov 2012 | 22
Apple cultists slaver as Mothership landing now foretold in 2016 Feverish fanbois desperate for full specs on utility shed On-Prem21 Nov 2012 | 42
Microsoft-Motorola patent row: Google wants $4 BEELLION a year 'How do you feel about 0.025% of that?' enquires Redmond Legal21 Nov 2012 | 80
Google to UN: Internet FREEDOM IS FREE, and must remain so Fears 'secretive' govs plan to make it pay for stuff Networks21 Nov 2012 | 22
Samsung brews half-asleep OCTO CORE phone brain MONSTER Set to burst upon a terrified world late in 2013 Personal Tech21 Nov 2012 | 18
Russia steps into NASA's place on upcoming ESA Mars plans UK, in 'historic' move, to help on manned US Orion ship Science21 Nov 2012 | 12
AT&T randomly letting some customers use FaceTime on cellular Hurray, fanboi visagerie all over my slabber jabber Networks21 Nov 2012 | 4
Wii U 'has been JAILBROKEN' via legacy games, say homebrewers Backwards compatible with backdoors Personal Tech21 Nov 2012 | 19
10 Gigabit Ethernet still too expensive on servers Another reason why x86 server sales 'underwhelm' Systems21 Nov 2012 | 22
Cluster cake pulled open: Oozes cores, GPU gravy, mineral oil SC12 Recipe for Student Cluster Compo destruction HPC21 Nov 2012 |
Licensing snafu leaves Windows 8 open to PIRATES Free add-on gives more than bargained for Software21 Nov 2012 | 33
Texan schoolgirl expelled for refusing to wear RFID tag Updated Wants to avoid 'the mark of the beast' Security21 Nov 2012 | 236
Australian Government's CIO Anne Steward retires Hailed as "a great government CIO" by Gartner Legal21 Nov 2012 | 1
ESO says dwarf planet Makemake lacks atmosphere First look at Kuiper Belt object also reveals no shroud of gases Science21 Nov 2012 | 8
Microsoft dragging its feet on Linux Secure Boot fix Linux Foundation's workaround held up by roadblocks OSes21 Nov 2012 | 150