When you play the game of storage arrays, you win or you – where are the visionaries? Gartner's magical square: NetApp, HPE still winning, Infinidat joins leader's box Storage12 Nov 2018 | 10
Primary Data says stop, Hammerspace, Innodisk cooks some SSDs, and Fujitsu goes blockchain Enough storage news to keep you going till beer o'clock Storage22 May 2018 | 2
You bet your DRaaS: Infinidat squeezes out new backup, array and cloud compute products Four-piece suite coming for IT wallets Storage27 Mar 2018 | 9
NAND chips are going to stay too pricey for flash to slit disk's throat... Analysis For a while at least... spinning rust is going to stick around Storage23 Mar 2018 | 23
Cold cuts from Infinidat, Pivot3 and Pavilion Data, plus some dish on ex-Docker boss Roundup Storage mezze to start your week Storage20 Mar 2018 |
Infinidat techie: Let me tell you a thing or two about ruler-format SSDs Interview They solve a problem of high flash capacity, says CTO... wait, what? Storage07 Feb 2018 | 18
Storage slingers say: Don't sweat Spectre, Meltdown SANitation Analysis Debate rages on software, HCI slowdown though Storage15 Jan 2018 | 10
Infinidat adds sync, async replication and bans noisy neighbours InfiniBox release 4 ticks more o' them mission-crit array boxes Storage14 Nov 2017 | 4
Big iron storage supplier Infinidat blags more o' that sweet VC cash Analysis $95m to satiate its appetite for gutbusting growth Storage03 Oct 2017 | 31
Array-pusher Infinidat boasts of sales hike, says it has petabyte-pushin pay pals +Comment Marketing trumpets sounding off Storage11 Aug 2017 | 1
Pull on yer wellies and let's wade through the week's storage news But Muuuuuum... Storage21 Jul 2017 |
They grow up so fast! Veeam Availability Suite reaches the tenth grade Now run along and play with your new friends Storage19 May 2017 | 2
Infinidat benchmarking beatdown: Glugging slimfastq? Not us! Analysis Bottles benchmark battle backlash Storage15 May 2017 | 7
Infinidat claims it can beat any all-flash array, uses innocent pooches to appear convincing Mouthy vendor issues ten grand win-or-lose challenge Storage02 May 2017 | 9
Product marketing veep leaves Infinidat +Comment 'Other opportunities' exerts its seductive pull once again Storage05 Apr 2017 | 7
Infinidat slims down in UK: Storage upstart has just handful of Brit staff One sales head left and no country manager in Blighty, industry sources say Storage26 Jan 2017 | 5
Gartner's soothsayers whisk Huawei, Quantum and Infinidat to front of stage Disk array leaders' box crowded in latest Magic Quadrant Storage09 Nov 2016 |
Leaner, meaner screamer from Infinidat dreamer Company is putting more drives in thinner trays to grow capacity Storage07 Nov 2016 | 7
The shoemaker, the array refresh and the VMworld smackdown Case study Infindat, unsurprisingly, says its shoe fits and you should wear it Storage06 Oct 2016 | 12
Infinidat's big iron array gets data scrunching, no-footprint iSCSI Performance analytics make this fast array go even faster Storage05 Oct 2016 | 5
Upstart big iron storage supplier maintains monolithic momentum Claims growth beats that of big vendors Storage03 Aug 2016 | 7
Infinidat says au revoir to France head as marketing veep walks Vacancies open all over the Continent, new offices across rest of world On-Prem13 Jun 2016 | 5
Infinidat adds predictive analytics to Infinibox OS. But what's it mean? Comment Enhanced QoS for service providers in Moshe's big iron storage box Storage07 Apr 2016 | 8
Big hybrid iron swinger Infinidat bigs up its own growth Unlisted company doing well off decline of legacy arrays Storage08 Feb 2016 | 3
Infinidat to flog Brocade storage networking gear Adds networking port failover capability Networks01 Dec 2015 | 1
Has the next generation of monolithic storage arrived? Comment Infindat’s Infinibox: Hybrid and RAM-heavy Storage13 Nov 2015 | 2
Big Blue’s big storage iron gets bigger: DS8880 array uncloaked Projected all-flash range topper due later this year Storage14 Oct 2015 | 4
Elephant-sized Infinidat array gets calf that starts small, grows BIG F2000 is the up-to 330TB, seven-nines, baby 18U array that never forgets Systems21 Sep 2015 | 3
Third time lucky? Plucky upstart Infinidat plonks down monolithic array Analysis Honking great flash cache speeds all-media-seeing controller engines Systems09 Sep 2015 | 6
Hyper-scaling multi-structured data? Let's count the ways Comment Molluscoid magic is just the start Storage10 Aug 2015 | 2
Moshe's Infinidat happy to SHOUT about its progress Enough of the cheesy comments from Le Grand Storage Fromage On-Prem29 Jul 2015 |
Infinidat decloaks, bulging with a BILLION greenbacks Moshe Yanai’s latest storage upstart unicorn bares its horn Storage29 Apr 2015 | 5
Infinidat quietly files 39 patents. Let's take a closer look Secretive big data startup 're-invents XIV' Storage17 Feb 2014 | 12